See You Next Season! Enjoy the Maui

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Championship Week

Wussup DFK worshiper's, its the final four bitches. This is the most exciting part of the NFL season. YAYYYYYYYAAYYY!! I would also like you to know that after the Super Bowl i will still probably weekly inform you on NFL news. Here is the kicker, i will be doing other sports as well. Specifically Hockey and then MLB when it starts up. The teams of interest will be Washington Capitals and the Washington Nationals. This will give me something to do until next season. I will be predicting these sports as well, so the Stanley Cup and the World series and the playoff and so on and so forth. OH YEAH! we can't forget the NBA, this is the least of my worries, but hey, you might see it.

See, I know about half way through the season I sta
rted slacking. Next season I hope to not repeat my mistakes. For the Final Four though, I can't let you down.

I am a tad disappointed about my playoff record but theres nothing i can do beside get some skills.


New York Jets @ Pittsburgh Steelers

This is a battle of the defensive. I personally believe this game souly depends on which quarter back can play better. Mark Sanchez is in his secon
d year with the NFL, his career is on path for the average quarter back. There is a man in this game that is not put in the group with Peyton Manning or Tom Brady though he deserves the title of elite quarter back. This man is a two time world champion with little acclaim until this day when DFK makes a stand. I fucking hate the steelers, but I hat Rex Ryan and the Jets even more. So on this upcoming Sunday, the super bowl winning, motorcycle crashing, bigger than manning, BEN ROTHLISBERGER will show up to play. He has to think, Wow, I have been here done this twice before, why can't i make it thrice (thanks to Conan O'Brien for vocab choice). The Steelers will beat the living shit out of the Jet's at Heinz Field.


Green Bay Packers @ Chicago Bears

I find it kind of slightly hilarious that the Redskins beat bo
th of these teams, but they have obviously much improved since then. I am going to go right out and say that Green Bay will win. The Bears to me don't qualify as the elite team in this match up. All three parts of their team fall short of the Pack. I know Soldier Field will be sad to hear me say this but I see little chance of Chicago winning and Green Bay dominating, no competition. But hey, you never know, "Any given Sunday"

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