See You Next Season! Enjoy the Maui

Monday, August 8, 2011

Super Bowl 46

This NFL season is underway with the first pre-season game happening this Thursday. I feel a stiffy coming on, but my Redskins are poised to do some shit, and in reality it is really hard to defend them. I will say that I do agree with the statement "Every Given Sunday,' so i will leave that thought; slight optimism for the Skins.

Let's get down to predictions, which is what this site is all about. My prediction for this years Super Bowl teams are the (repeating) Green Bay Packers from the NFC and the New England Patriots from the AFC.

Let me say this, I don't think much of the Eagles dream team. We can all see the same shit happening tom them that happened to the Heat's so called dream team.

Back to the Bowl.

The Patriots shall win this Super Bowl. I even see the dynasty returning in the foreseeable future.

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