See You Next Season! Enjoy the Maui

Monday, December 19, 2011

My B

Been busy, no time for DFKID, stayd tuned for a super bowl prediction, and next season's predictions.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wishing Luck


I consider myself to be one of the greatest fantasy football players of all time. All you fellow fantasy all-stars, I wish you luck.

Pre "The" Season Action

Mike Vick fucked up last night. This is obviously according to my prediction. All the media needs to chill there nuts on this Vick character, he is severely "cised."

I'm sorry but one good game last season against the Redskin's doesn't make him better than Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Schaub, etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Washington Redskins

I do this football thing, but honestly i really do live the Skins. Everyone hates the Redskins though. ESPN hates them, all the analyst hate them, and America hates them. Every year we get ridiculed, but us true fans stay positive. This season doesn't change anything because I'm still gonna be super optimistic. First let's run down the Redskins schedule and i'll make my somewhat educated comments.

(for you tards out there when i say "Fed Ex" that means the Skins are at home)

Week 1
Giants at Fed Ex
- I honestly believe the Skins will kick ass this game. Going by how good the Skins history is with home openers in recent years, plus what do the Giant's have that is so spectacular?
Week 2
Cardinals at Fed Ex
- This game should be close, way close but I'm gonna give it to the Skins with home field advantage.
Week 3
Skins at Dallas
- Fuck them Cowboys but I'll give them the win at home :(
Week 4
Skins at St. Louis
- Fuck this game because I really do like Bradford. In this case I'm gonna give the Ram's this win.
Week 5
Week 6
Eagles at Fed Ex
- Eagles win :(
Week 7
Skins at Carolina
- I do not like what Carolina is doing. Skins win this
Week 8
Skins at Buffalo
- This season I am making this statement, the Bills are some trashy shit. Redskins win
Week 9
49ers at Fed Ex
- Skins BLOWOUT San Fran
Week 10
Skins at Miami
- I don't even think Miami has a QB, so imma go with the Skins in this one :/
Week 11
Cowboys at Fed Ex
- I got the Boy's winning :( but who knows
Week 12
Skins at Seattle
- Skins win
Week 13
Jets at Fed Ex
- I really don't like the Jets and Rex, but they should beat the Skins
Week 14
Patriots at Fed Ex
- No comments ha, Pats win this one
Week 15
Skins at NYG
- I have the Redskins winning this game
Week 16
Vikings at Fed Ex
- McNabb sucks, Redskins blow out the purple shits
Week 17
Skins at Philly
- Sadly i believe the Eagles will win this game

I gave them 9 wins which is a lot but realistically, I can see the skins winning 7 which is better than last year and it also means bye bye Andrew Luck.
So Fuck You Haters
The skins are not bad, they are at least average :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Super Bowl 46

This NFL season is underway with the first pre-season game happening this Thursday. I feel a stiffy coming on, but my Redskins are poised to do some shit, and in reality it is really hard to defend them. I will say that I do agree with the statement "Every Given Sunday,' so i will leave that thought; slight optimism for the Skins.

Let's get down to predictions, which is what this site is all about. My prediction for this years Super Bowl teams are the (repeating) Green Bay Packers from the NFC and the New England Patriots from the AFC.

Let me say this, I don't think much of the Eagles dream team. We can all see the same shit happening tom them that happened to the Heat's so called dream team.

Back to the Bowl.

The Patriots shall win this Super Bowl. I even see the dynasty returning in the foreseeable future.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2011 - 2012 Season (Division Prediction)

Mother Fuckin' football is back after the lockout. YAY. I have been gone for a while but lets get right into predictions. Today's post will stress my beliefs on the rankings in every division at the end of the regular season. Later this week I will make my Super Bowl prediction.

AFC North
1. Baltimore Ravens
2. Pittsburgh Steelers
3. Cleveland Browns
4. Cincinnati Bengals

AFC South
1. Houston Texans
2. Indianapolis Colts
3. Tennessee Titans
4. Jacksonville Jaguars

AFC East
1. New England Patriots
2. New York Jets
3. Miami Dolphins
4. Buffalo Bills

AFC West
1. San Diego Chargers
2. Kansas City Chiefs
3. Denver Broncos
4. Oakland Raiders

NFC North
1. Green Bay Packers
2. Detroit Lions
3. Minnesota Vikings
4. Chicago Bears

NFC South
1. Atlanta Falcons
2. New Orleans Saints
3. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
4. Carolina Panthers

NFC East
1. Philadelphia Eagles
2. New York Giants
3. Washington Redskins
4. Dallas Cowboys

NFC West
1. San Fransisco 49ers
2. St.Louis Rams
3. Arizona Cardinals
4. Seattle Seahawks

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl 45

I won't have much to say until later but now I will make the biggest pick of the season. This also (surprisingly) is one of the hardest possible picks for any match up for this wonderful 2011 season. For Super Bowl 45, I am going with the team that is less experienced in the Super Bowl and will show up with more heart than the other team. I have The Green Bay Packers to be your Super Bowl 45 champions.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pro Bowl Pickin's

Yes the Pro Bowl is retarded but there has to be a winner. You never know whose gonna win because of the random bull shit. So, i decided to guess and I picked the NFC, reasoning is........JUST CAUSE!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Championship Week

Wussup DFK worshiper's, its the final four bitches. This is the most exciting part of the NFL season. YAYYYYYYYAAYYY!! I would also like you to know that after the Super Bowl i will still probably weekly inform you on NFL news. Here is the kicker, i will be doing other sports as well. Specifically Hockey and then MLB when it starts up. The teams of interest will be Washington Capitals and the Washington Nationals. This will give me something to do until next season. I will be predicting these sports as well, so the Stanley Cup and the World series and the playoff and so on and so forth. OH YEAH! we can't forget the NBA, this is the least of my worries, but hey, you might see it.

See, I know about half way through the season I sta
rted slacking. Next season I hope to not repeat my mistakes. For the Final Four though, I can't let you down.

I am a tad disappointed about my playoff record but theres nothing i can do beside get some skills.


New York Jets @ Pittsburgh Steelers

This is a battle of the defensive. I personally believe this game souly depends on which quarter back can play better. Mark Sanchez is in his secon
d year with the NFL, his career is on path for the average quarter back. There is a man in this game that is not put in the group with Peyton Manning or Tom Brady though he deserves the title of elite quarter back. This man is a two time world champion with little acclaim until this day when DFK makes a stand. I fucking hate the steelers, but I hat Rex Ryan and the Jets even more. So on this upcoming Sunday, the super bowl winning, motorcycle crashing, bigger than manning, BEN ROTHLISBERGER will show up to play. He has to think, Wow, I have been here done this twice before, why can't i make it thrice (thanks to Conan O'Brien for vocab choice). The Steelers will beat the living shit out of the Jet's at Heinz Field.


Green Bay Packers @ Chicago Bears

I find it kind of slightly hilarious that the Redskins beat bo
th of these teams, but they have obviously much improved since then. I am going to go right out and say that Green Bay will win. The Bears to me don't qualify as the elite team in this match up. All three parts of their team fall short of the Pack. I know Soldier Field will be sad to hear me say this but I see little chance of Chicago winning and Green Bay dominating, no competition. But hey, you never know, "Any given Sunday"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Divisional Week

Baltimore Ravens @ Pittsburgh Steelers

This is gutsy I guess but I'm confident in the rave
ns. They have already beaten them once this year and I truly do believe these young fucks can slaughter the broken nose fucks.

Green Bay Packers @ Atlanta Falcons

Country Road!!!! Aaron Rodger's is my mans and he is very skilled at the quarter back position. The Falcon's can only win from Pack turn ov
ers and Mr. Rodger's wants it to bad and won't let it happen under the bright snowy lights of Hawtlanta.


New York Jets @ New England Patriots

"It's not personal if your fat Mr. Rex "Cryin'" Ryan" ~Cfrish

Seattle Seahawks @ Chicago Bears

This will be a tough game for Da Bears but I think they can pull it off. Just, Chi Town Fans, remember when the Redskins beat you guys? If they play that shitty again the sleeper Seahawks can sweep you straight into the ocean. Fuck Ya'

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wild Card Week

Saturday Baby!
New York Jets @ Indianapolis Colts

One word dude's Peyton Manning, too good to lose to fat Rex with whore footish' wife.

New Orleans Saints @ Seattle Seahawks

I don't give three shits, count em' three if Seattle is loud. They have a losing record playing former super bowl champs, no way in fuck.

Sunday MOFO'S!
Baltimore Ravens @ Kansas City Chiefs

I have faith in you Ray Rice, Ray Lewis, Ray Charles, etc. Bowe and the Castle doesn't have anything on you even if its in their shitty city.

Green Pay Packers @ Philadelphia Eagles

WOW, looks like I am going with another visiting team. Sorry Vick, maybe next year. I still want them to make a movie about you though!