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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

AP vs. CJ2K?

The Verdict
Well, as an interlude between week 6 and 7 I thought I would throw out a common argument. The argument being Adrian Peterson versus Chris Johnson, who is better? Well, I come to you live with a clear and cut answer of Adrian Peterson. I know all you folks at home are like "but CJ ran for 2000 yards last season." I say, "Well fuck him, he is not on pace for that this season." Listen folks, Adrian Peterson has already had a bye this season and has almost as many yards as CJ. "But DFK AP fumbles" (an example of argument against my opinion). My answer is "That's so last year, when he was immature, hes better than that now." Case proven already without stats, AP is better. Don't get me wrong though, CJ2K is decent. To me though average yards per carry is the most important half back statistic. CJ averages 4.4 and AP averages 4.9 yards. There is statistical proof (LOL). Fuck it though, Arian Foster averages 5.5 yards a carrier. My answer to this is " He is too n00b to be qualified in the elite category." Most important, other than the yards per carry, is that AP has been father in the playoffs than CJ. In conclusion, AP is a better half back than CJ. Enjoy the new page background. Stay tuned for my awesome picks.

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