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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Done Deal - Randy Moss

The Facts
Oh Randy, the pain in the ass he was for New England. It was an easy decision for Belichick and New England, Randy was not playing like he wanted to be there this season. He had a whopping zero catches in Monday night's game against Miami, and a few arguments that were simply not necessary. Oh, did I mention Rabdy is going back to Minnesota where he started his career. He now is receiving passes from the legendary Brett Favre. Will the Vikings perform better now? Tis' the question pondered by all. My answer is, well, just a little. Lets face the facts here, Brett Favre is on the elderly side of pro football, and having a horrific season so far. Sydney Rice is injured and will be back soon, so Moss is a good replacement. Will Moss be number one when Rice is back? Well that depends on how well Moss learns his new playbook.

The Verdict
This is a win win for both Patriots and Vikings if you ask me. The Patriots already having defensive issues holding them back this season, let me make this point clear. It just seems to me that their offense takes no major hit, so their problems are still the same. Its simple reasoning in this situation, Welker had already been taking over Moss for the number one spot in New England. New England also has Hernandez and Edelman as deep threats, as well as upcoming Woodhead. The Patriots I believe can find a way to win without Moss. This does not mean Super Bowl caliber, which they are not, but its fine for now as long as they tender their new up and comers. The Vikings win as well in this trade, I don't know if literally they will win, only time will tell. My gut feeling with the Vikings is Favre can't take them deep in the play offs anymore. This one year difference from last year has shown major age on Favre's skill. I say think this is good for the Vikings by reason that they add a decent receiver which they lacked so far this season (due to injury). Favre can still throw to wide open receivers which they hope Moss can make possible. In conclusion Adrian Peterson (random) will be the factor that will march the Vikings into the playoffs, if any at all. Back to Patriots; they gain a draft pick that Belichick greatly wanted. The Patriots had low expectations anyways this season; even though I feel they are slightly better than that. The Patriots are not deeply impacted in this trade, the media is portraying this situation as detrimental to a team that they had early said to be not playoff caliber. I spot some contradiction here.

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